十大彩票网赌平台: The Smart Choice For Your Student

Whether your student is just starting college or has previously attended another institution, you should k现在 we are here to answer all your questions. We are here to help, always.

Connect Now: Student Welcome Center



At only $99 per credit hour for in-district students, our tuition is among the most affordable in the country. We also offer financial assistance 通过 financial aid that features grants, scholarship and other aid.


High-level courses and programs that are taught by re现在ned instructors.


Credits seamlessly transfer to four-year institutions. In fact, we're the top community college to the University of Michigan. 


学生 can engage in experiences and support services to prepare them for success at a four-year institution or to be ready for a career.

家长 & Family Orientation

了解更多关于 家长 & family orientation sessions and how your can support your student as they transition to 十大彩票网赌平台. You'll receive information about registration, public safety, student services and more.

Be Confident 十大彩票网赌平台 is a Smart Choice

学生 are provided a university-quality education at an affordable rate. 随着越来越多的 than 137 programs, 50 of which are completely online, your student can earn an associate degree to transfer to a four-year college, train for a career they can start right away or earn a certificate to advance in their respective career 场.

Washtenaw Community College Student Success Guarantee badge

At 十大彩票网赌平台, your success is so important to us that we guarantee it! “的 Assurance of Student Success policy, which serves as a guarantee to students, employers and educational partners at four-year colleges and universities, states that all degree graduates will have the k现在ledge and performance skills required for their major program. 它也允许 students who meet specified qualifications to retake courses tuition free, if necessary.

map pins path graphic

Uncertain about going away for Winter Semester?

十大彩票网赌平台 welcomes many 客座学生 每年. 学习 how we can help you stay on track.

#1 community college transfer to U of M

two graduates icon

学习 how high school students can get a head start and earn college credit 现在!

"Zachary is graduating high school summa cum laude (highest distinction) with a 3.97 GPA and has been a member of National Honor Society in addition to other achievements. Although his strong academic record afforded him the opportunity to choose from a number of universities, he realized 十大彩票网赌平台 was the smartest choice and enrolled for summer and fall semesters." Kim Dosey, 家长 of Zachary Dosey
"The staff at 十大彩票网赌平台 helped my son discover his true passion in the Supply Chain Management 场. He saved thousands on tuition by earning his associate degree at 十大彩票网赌平台 before transferring to Eastern Michigan University to complete his bachelor's degree. He is 现在 a successful supply chain analyst at Ford Motor Company." Sheila Linford, 家长 of Brendan Linford, 十大彩票网赌平台 '17

十大彩票网赌平台 Here Transfer Anywhere

If transferring to a four-year institution is your student’s goal, we have solutions specially designed to make their dream a reality. 我们的 University Transfer Center is committed to helping your student smoothly transfer to a top four-year college 我们的大学.

Accelerated Classes & 项目

Another option for jump-starting your student's education goals is accelerated courses. Check out our new 17-month associate degree in business. This program can be completed 100% online, but it doesn't have to be.

Make The Most Of 你的教育 Dollars

学生 and their families can get help paying for college with financial aid options 如 奖学金, grants, loans, work student, military educational benefits 甚至 grants for unexpected emergencies. To learn more about applying for financial aid, contact our financial aid team, 几乎.


students at convocation ceremony


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