Service Animals

此信息的目的是提高十大彩票网赌平台的政策和程序的认识 pertaining to the use of service animals.

从2011年十大彩票网赌平台,只有狗和迷你马被认可为服务动物 Titles II and III of the ADA. Service dogs will likely be used more prevalently.

虽然法律赋予服务犬使用者使用的权利,但这些权利 随之而来的是确保动物行为和反应适当的责任 在任何时候,在公共场合和处理者,作为一个团队,必须坚持相同的社会 accepted standards as any individual in the college community.

根据联邦法律和美国残疾人法案(ADA), 十大彩票网赌平台允许服务 接受过进入校园建筑和公共场所训练的犬类和服务犬(包括 many classrooms). 某些教室和教育/培训环境(临床、 实验室,实习场所,尸体实验室,射击场,焊接实验室,餐饮服务 areas, automotive shops, etc. or any place there are reasonable safety concerns for 动物(训导员或其他人)将要求训导员事先寻求许可 and review to see if arrangements are available. Contact the Dean of Students Office by email [email protected] or by calling 734-973-3328.

Definition and Requirements

Service dogs are working animals and are not pets. This means that an individual with 服务犬必须患有《十大彩票网赌平台》规定的残疾,其随行动物也必须患有残疾 必须接受培训才能完成与之直接相关的特定任务的合格人员 the handler’s disability. The dog must have been trained by a qualified agency.

狗必须身体健康,并按照县规定获得许可 and wear appropriate vaccination tag(s).

The institution can require shot records. However, one cannot ask if the animal is 获得服务许可或询问性质或范围(或要求文件) of the individual’s disability.

服务犬必须系上皮带或挽具,主人必须完全控制 the animal at all times. If the handler is unable to use a leash because of their 残疾或会影响安全有效的工作表现, the dog must be under the handler’s control, e.g. voice control, signals or other effective means. The animal must be housebroken.

Miniature Horses

合理的修改,以允许微型马单独训练做工作 or perform tasks are required. Assessment factors for reasonable modifications include

  • 马的类型,大小,重量以及设施是否能适应这些特征
  • Handler has sufficient control of the horse
  • Horse must be housebroken
  • 马是否出现在一个特定的设施危及合法的安全 requirements.

Allowable Questions

  • Is the animal required because of a disability?
  • What work has the animal been trained to perform?

Etiquette by the Dog

While providing service, the dog

  • 绝对不能闻人、吃饭区域的桌子或个人物品 of others.
  • 没有处理者的直接许可,不能主动与人接触.
  • 不得表现出任何干扰他人的行为或声音,如吠叫, whining, or growling.
  • Must not block an aisle or passageway.
  • 必须接受训练,不要被公共区域的食物所吸引.


Individuals should not

  • Pet a service dog while it is working. Service dogs are trained to be protective of 他们的训导员和爱抚分散了他们的责任.
  • Feed a working service dog.
  • Deliberately startle, tease, or taunt a service dog.
  • 将训导员与他/她的服务犬分开或试图分开.
  • 在询问学生是否需要帮助时犹豫,如果学生和服务 狗似乎对转弯的方向、可到达的入口和位置感到困惑 of an elevator, etc.

Requirements of Service Dogs and their Handlers

  • The dog must be in good health.
  • 狗必须按照国家规定获得许可,并穿着合适的衣服 vaccination tag(s).
  • 训犬员应该随身携带足够的设备和袋子来清理狗的排泄物 and properly dispose of the waste. Individuals who physically cannot clean up after 这只狗可能会被要求安排另一只狗提供这项服务.
  • 服务犬必须系上皮带或挽具,主人必须完全控制 the animal at all times. If the handler is unable to use a leash because of their 残疾或会影响安全有效的工作表现, the dog must be under the handler’s control, e.g. voice control, signals or other effective means.
  • 在学院内外,服务犬应表现合理 or at College events. 例如,如果一只服务犬表现出不可接受的行为, 业主应采用适当的培训技术来纠正这种情况.
  • 捣乱和好斗的服务犬的主人可能会被要求把它们从 the College’s facilities. If the improper behavior happens repeatedly, the owner may 他被告知不要带服务犬进入任何设施,直到他们采取重大措施 减轻这种行为的步骤,比如给正在吠叫或有攻击性的狗戴上嘴套,或者给它复习 training for the dog and its owner.
  • 在提供维护和维修时,必须考虑到其他因素 hygiene of a service dog. For instance, daily grooming and occasional baths should 保持狗的气味到最低限度,并采取适当的预防措施跳蚤 and tick control.

Health Concerns for Others (Non-Handlers)

人类的过敏反应对包括狗在内的许多动物来说都很常见. Individuals who 是否有哮喘、过敏或其他可记录的医疗问题 complaints to:
Dean of Students Office
Room No: SC 275
Phone: 734-973-3328
Email: [email protected]

个人必须出示医疗文件以支持该申诉. Action will 应考虑双方的需要,并尽可能有效地解决问题 and expeditiously as possible.

Other Useful Definitions and Information

安慰、情感支持或治疗动物/狗:用来缓解焦虑的动物 of its owner. 安慰动物/狗不被认为是服务犬,也不是 permitted inside 十大彩票网赌平台 buildings.

导盲犬:一种经过精心训练的狗,为患有严重疾病的人提供旅行工具 visual impairments or who are blind.

助听犬:被训练用来提醒有听力的人的狗 loss or who is deaf when a sound, e.g., knock on the door, occurs.

Handler: A person with a service animal.

公共区域:一个对所有人开放的空间,不分性别、种族、 ethnicity, age or socio-economic level (i.e., student commons, offices, library, and hallways).

Seizure Response Dog: A dog trained to assist a person with a seizure disorder; how the dog serves the person depends on the person’s needs. The dog may stand guard over the person during a seizure, or the dog may go for help. A few dogs have learned to predict a seizure and warn the person in advance.

训练中的服务犬:正在接受训练的服务犬与完全受过训练的服务犬享有同样的权利 animal when accompanied by a handler and identified as such.

工作任务:包括工作和任务的非详尽列表,例如检索项. 它还包括患有精神、智力或其他精神残疾的人, e.g. 帮助防止或打断个人的冲动行为,在 癫痫发作,帮助平衡/稳定,或提供非暴力保护或 rescue work.

References: U.S. 司法部,公民权利科,残疾人权利组

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